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Tips on Cleaning Your Computer

Tips on Cleaning Your Computer

by Nationalcws.com

Tips on Cleaning Your Computer

Why Clean Your Computer?

Cleaning your computer’s hardware and software is important for a lot of reasons. Clean hardware can help your computer run more smoothly and extend your computer’s lifespan, which can save time and money. Regular cleaning protects your investment and your data. When you wipe off the screen and empty crumbs from your keyboard, you’re helping your equipment perform better and you reduce the risk it will break down.

Dust and other unwanted dirt can build up and suffocate your PC’s hardware. By regularly cleaning dust out of the fan vents and case, you can help protect the system from overheating and causing permanent damage to the internal parts of your computer and the information you store on it. How often does it need to be done? If you don’t want to hurt your PC’s performance and lifespan with the added stress and heat, give it a good cleaning at least every six months to a year.

Wipe Down Your Computer

Dust off the outside of your computer with a soft, dry cloth at least once a week. Remove any fingerprints on the screen. If you want to use cleaning fluid, visit a computer store to find one that’s specifically designed for your monitor type. Regular household cleaners may damage a monitor screen, wearing away coatings. Instead, gently wipe your screen with a soft cloth. A microfiber cloth is great for this purpose.

You can dampen your cloth with distilled or filtered water to wipe away tougher smudges. Plain water usually works, too, but filtered or distilled water will help you avoid streaks. If heavier cleaning is needed, moisten a cloth with a 50-50 mix of distilled water and distilled white vinegar and gently rub your screen clean.

Clean Your Keyboard

Pick up your keyboard, turn it over, and gently pat it on the back to dislodge crumbs, stray hairs, and other tiny bits of dirt. If you’re having trouble removing sticky dirt, try using a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol, or the cleaning mixtures mentioned above. Gently wiping around the keys can help keep the keys from sticking or failing. If your keyboard is acting up, you may need to open it in order to “deep clean.”

Check surge protector

Power surges can put harmful stress on your computer, and in some cases damage the power supply and other components. Did you know surge protectors can lose their protection after undergoing just one power surge? Even if they still appear “on,” they may not be providing the protection you need. So it’s a good idea to check them from time to time, especially after a notable power surge.

Tips on Cleaning Your Computer

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