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Server Room Maintenance

Server Room Maintenance

by Nationalcws.com

Server Room Maintenance

Proper server room maintenance is crucial to protect equipment and sensitive data stored and transmitted through different systems. It’s not just the room that requires maintenance, servers also have particular needs that must be assessed on a regular basis.

The specific needs of a data room may vary based upon the size and location of the room, how many hours each day it is in operation, as well as how much heat is generated by the equipment. Heat levels vary based on several factors, including how much and what types of equipment operate in one space. Keep equipment well spread apart to provide proper ventilation and help reduce the risk of equipment overheating.

Why Data Room Cleaning Is Important
Most businesses spent a lot of time and money protecting access to this information, making sure that all their virus protection software is up-to-date and that hackers trying to penetrate their systems are rebuffed. But these possible dangers are much more obvious than the ones that can cause the greatest damage. Imagine if something happened that destroyed this important data. Think of what it would do to your business. If you suffer an equipment malfunction, think of the financial losses you sustain. And while there may be causes of equipment malfunction over which you have limited control, the main culprit is one that is easy to correct — contaminants introduced into the environment of your server room.

Daily Server Maintenance Tasks

  • Back up servers — some people only back up servers on a weekly or monthly basis. The frequency in which you back up your servers may vary. You never know when an emergency will pop up, and it’s possible to lose all data generated since your last backup. Therefore, the more frequently you back up servers, the better. Hence, why this task is listed under daily maintenance chores to prevent lost data from causing serious issues.
  • Mail routing — it is recommended to monitor mail routing on a daily basis.
  • Monitor replication.
  • Take note of modem communications.
  • Observe the amount of disk space available and being used.

Weekly Server Maintenance Tasks

  • Take a careful look at the Admin Requests database.
  • Spend time monitoring databases that are currently in need of maintenance – identify the type of maintenance they require.
  • Assess available disc space.

Monthly Server Maintenance Tasks

  • Make note of available memory space, as well as how much memory is currently in use.
  • Scan and assess the overall performance of servers – keep track of changes.
  • Inspect server load in comparison to overall capabilities.
  • Take a look at server requests.

Server Room Maintenance

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